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3/2/2015 - Italy - Appeal of the Rector Major for a concrete project

(ANS - Turin) - On the occasion of the national civil commemoration of Don Bosco on 24 January, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime appealed to organizations and entrepreneurs with a practical proposal. He asked them to offer jobs to 200 young people by 16 August 2015 as a concrete gesture to celebrate the 200th birthday of the Saint of Youth. He calls the project "GioB200" (Giovanni Bosco/Job200).

Because of the historical and religious roots of the places linked to Don Bosco, the project starts in Piedmont. However, this does not exclude other places and, indeed, it is hoped that this pilot project will be replicated in other Italian regions or other countries.

"Two hundred jobs for two hundred young people: the project is undoubtedly challenging, in some ways almost foolhardy, given the current economic environment, but it is in full continuity with the achievements of Don Bosco. With his trade schools he laid the foundations for the employment of young people, giving substance to his mission as an educator and teacher. Now as then, it is a question of making a dream come true by imitating his example and pursuing it with the same determination "says Fr Enrico Stasi, Superior of the Special Circumscription of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta and President of the Committee for the Bicentenary.

The initiative has the support of the Piedmont Region. The opportunities offered by the regional programme "Youth Guarantee" are at the disposal of participating organizations and entrepreneurs.

At the end of the Bicentenary year, note will be taken of the progress of the project and the results achieved. Those who have chosen to enrol their company in the register of "dreams come true" will be acknowledged in the closing ceremonies.

For information and enrolment, write to:  

Published 03/02/2015

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