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31/1/2015 - RMG - Secretariat for the Salesian Family and Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat

(ANS - Rome)– One of the items on the busy schedule of the meeting of the Superiors and Coordinators of the Salesian Family today and tomorrow (31 January – 1 February) in Turin, was the presentation of the new institute of the Secretariat for the Salesian Family and the Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat, an assignment given by the Rector Major to Fr Eusebio Muñoz Ruiz.

by Gian Francesco Romano

The Secretariat for the Salesian Family is an organ of animation, formation and coordination established by the 27th General Chapter. It is directly dependent on the Rector Major. Its role is to animate the Congregation in relation to the Salesian Family and to promote communion between the various groups that belong to it, while respecting the specific identity and autonomy of each.

The Delegate of the Rector Major for the Secretariat for the Salesian Family is the Secretary of the Central Secretariat.  Alongside him are the Salesians who have the task of central animation of the groups of the Salesian Family for which the Salesian Congregation has responsibility in relation to the charism (Salesian Cooperators, Past Pupils of Don Bosco, ADMA, Don Bosco Volunteers, Volunteers with Don Bosco) and three members from the Advisory Council of the Salesian Family.

The Secretariat has some specific tasks in relation to the Congregation, the Rector Major and his Council and the Salesian Family. The Delegate is responsible directly to the Rector Major.

The Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, having heard the opinion of his Council, has appointed Fr Eusebio Muñoz Ruiz as the first delegate, for the three years 2015-2018.  He was born on 26 December 1944 in Pozoblanco, Spain, and has been a Salesian since 16 August 1962. He made his perpetual profession on 26 July 1968 and was ordained priest on 22 July 1972.

He was Rector of the Salesian houses in Ronda and Montilla, the aspirantate in Cordoba, Sanlúcar La Mayor where he was also Novice Master, Granada and most recently of the St John Bosco community in the Vice-Province of the UPS.

He was also Vice-Provincial, Provincial and later Delegate for the Salesian Family in the Province of Cordoba in Spain and subsequently Delegate for the Salesian Cooperators and the Past Pupils of the Province of Seville, also in Spain.

Published 31/01/2015

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