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14/1/2015 - India - Wake up Kits for the Year of Consecrated Life

(ANS – Bangalore) – Following the invitation of Pope Francis, Bangalore based Salesian Father (Dr.) Gilbert Choondal, has come up with a timely tool, Wake up Kits for Indian Religious.

“Pope Francis has invited the Religious to wake up the World. I believe the Religious need to be awake before waking up the world. Awakened Religious have already awakened the world! These kits are to wake up the Indian Religious and the World”, said the creator of Wake up Kits, Fr Choondal, who holds a PhD degree in Catechetics and Youth Ministry from the Salesian Pontifical University, Rome.

The Wake up Kits are basically resources and animation guides on Church Documents related to Religious Life. Along with the animation notes on Religious Life Documents, each kit contains resources on Religious saints of the month, quizzes on Religious Life, PowerPoints and videos related to religious life, religious life movies and liturgical guides for Religious.

There are thirteen kits meant for 13 months (beginning with January 2015) of the Year of Consecrated Life. “These kits are to inform, form and transform the Religious on the various areas of Religious life in the Church,” says Fr. Choondal former Head of the Department of Catechetics and Youth Ministry at Visvadeep, Bangalore. More details about the contents of the monthly kits can be read here.

Fr Choondal was also the mastermind behind the Faith Kits during the Year of Faith, released from NBCLC, Bangalore, where he has been editing the quarterly Word and Worship. More information about the kits can be obtained also by contacting him at

Published 14/01/2014

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