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1/12/2014 - Malawi - School Furniture Donation benefits Lilongwe Salesian House

(ANS – Lilongwe) – Bro. Rob Malusa, a Salesian missionary in Lilongwe, Malawi, who took part in 144° Missionary Expedition, visited Salesian Missions earlier this year. In response to that visit, the Mission Office put together a shipment of school desks and Bibles, textbooks, and library books for Bro. Malusa’s mission.

The books were donated mainly by Bro. Rob’s home parish, St. Gertrude, in Bayville, N.Y., which organized a book drive. Many of his other friends also purchased books on his list to send to his kids. More books came from Sts. John and Paul Parish in Larchmont, N.Y., a contact made by Fr. Dominic Tran.

The bookshelves came from the FMA provincial house in Haledon, N.J.

Student desks and chairs were donated by Mary Help of Christians Academy in North Haledon, N.J.

The container with the donated school goods left New York in August and recently reached Lilongwe, and Bro. Robert wrote to Fr. Mark Hyde: “Well, the container made it! Thank all who made this happen! The school is SO happy with these desks you wouldn't believe! Now we are sorting through all the books, but it’s taking a little while. I hope the library will open soon? Pray for us.”

Published 01/12/2014

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