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5/11/2014 - Italy - Twelfth Report on Religious Freedom in the World

(ANS - Rome) - Respect for religious freedom is diminishing  in the world and Christians are the most persecuted religious group. This is what emerges from the twelfth Report on Religious Freedom published in Rome yesterday 4 November by the organization "Aid to the Church in Need".

The report analyzesthe main events from October 2012 to June 2014 and shows the degree of religious freedom in 196 countries, with reference to violations suffered not only by Christians but by all religious groups. "It is the most accurate source on the subject of religious freedom and the basis for understanding the world in which we live," said the journalist Roberto Fontolan, moderator of the event.

"If we listen to the daily news, we have the impression that acts of violence committed in the name of religion are on the increase. Unfortunately, this report shows that our impressions are correct," said Peter Sefton-Williams, chairman of the editorial board of the Report.

During the periodexamined in the report, changes were detected in 61 out of 196 countries, but only in six cases were these for the better.  There are 116 countries with restrictions on religious freedom (high medium or worrying), i.e. 60% of the countries in the world.

Asiaremains the continent where religious freedom is most violated. There is an increase of fundamentalism not only Islamic, but also Hindu and Buddhist. In Africa, the most worrying trend of the past two years is undoubtedly the growth of Islamic fundamentalism.

Some countriesof the Middle and Far East are becoming ever more mono-confessional, where the dominant religious group tries to restrict minorities. The recent statement by the Islamic State in Iraq is a clear example of this phenomenon.

In Latin America, obstacles to thefreedom of religion are almost always caused by openly secularist or atheist political regimes that limit the freedom of all religious groups, regardless of their beliefs.

But even inNorth America, there are cases relating to conscientious objection. In the Old World, especially in Western Europe, aggressive atheism and religious illiteracy are on the increase among the political classes and these are alarming episodes of anti-Semitism.

Every year "Aid to theChurch in Need" supports about 6,000 projects in more than 140 countries worldwide. "We believe that we must continue to draw attention to the fate of the oppressed and those who are persecuted on account of their faith, be they Iraqis, Syrians, Nigerians, Muslims, Christians or followers of other religions. Anyone who turns a blind eye betrays the persecuted and endangers freedom," said Johannes von Heereman Zuydtwyck, President of the International Executive of "Aid to the Church in Need".

Further insightson the subject are available in various languages ​​

Published 05/11/2014

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