(ANS- Rome)-Yesterday, 29 October, marked the end of the period of discernment for the 194 Chapter members of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the election of the new General Council. After Sister Yvonne Reungoat had been confirmed as Mother General, the following were elected:
Vicar General: Sister Clare Trowel (Campiglia Marittima, Italy - 1955), formerly Visiting Councillor;
Councillor for Formation: Sister Maria Nieves Reboso Padrón (Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain - 1952), formerly Superior of the Mary Help of Christians Province based in Seville;
Councillor for Youth Ministry: Sister Maria Teresa Cocco (Nuoro, Italy - 1957), formerly Superior of the Holy Family Province of Lombardy;
Councillor for the Salesian Family: Sr. Maria Luisa Miranda (Puebla, Mexico - 1951), confirmed in her role;
Councillor for the Missions: Sr. Alaíde Deretti (Massaranduba, Brazil - 1950) confirmed in her role;
Councillor for Social Communication: Sister Maria Helena Moreira (Goiânia, Brazil - 1953), formerly Superior of the Province of Brazil-Belo Horizonte (BBH);
Economer General: Sister Vilma Heel (Cavallermaggiore, Italy - 1948), confirmed in office.
The following were elected as Visiting Councillors:
Sister Silvia Boullousa, (Montevideo, Uruguay - 1963), Visiting Councillor in the previous six years;
Sister Marija Pitch, (Mesto, Slovenia - 1958), Visiting Councillor in the previous six years;
Sister Lucy Rose Ozhukayil (Athirampuzha, India - 1952), Visiting Councillor in the previous six years;
Sister Chantal Mukase Ruzagiriza (Byahi-Goma, Dem. Rep. of Congo - 1967), formerly Superior of the East Africa Province;
Sister Phyllis Neves (Downey, United States - 1953), formerly Superior of the USA Province;
Sister Paula Battagliola (Manerbio, Italy - 1952), formerly Superior of the East Timor-Indonesia Province;
and Sister Mary of the Assumption Sumiko Inoue (Nagasaki, Japan - 1965), formerly Provincial of Japan.