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2/10/2014 - Argentina - "Don Bosco, 200 años con vos": two initiatives for the Bicentenary

(ANS - Buenos Aires) - Among the initiatives in Argentina for the Bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco, two projects are worthy of special mention. According to Fr Manolo Cayo, Provincial of the Northern Province of Argentina, one of these  is the official site of the Bicentenary. "It will serve to give the 'pulse' of what is happening in every group, in every home, in every province of Argentina." The other is a logo that is a synthesis of various elements of the culture of Argentina.

The site of the bicentenary ––will provide many useful resources for the celebration of the anniversary. It is a work of collaboration. Each house is asked to report on initiatives, projects, ideas ... that are already being implemented across the country. The site will also give information on how the bicentenary of Don Bosco is being celebrated in Argentina and in the world, with the dates of the main events, news publications and proposals for reflection. Finally, the site aims to disseminate through the network and between social networks news of everything that draws attention to the living memory of Don Bosco.

The second initiative is the Bicentenary Logo Don Bosco, 200 años con vos(Don Bosco 200 years with you) – a motto and logo that will be used in all the celebrations of the bicentenary in Argentina. It seeks to express some of the points that characterize the celebration: the historical aspect, expressed by "200"; the geographical aspect, represented by the sun from the flag of Argentina which is incorporated into the design; and, finally, the meaning of the event: thanking God for the life of Don Bosco as a gift to young people.

The "con vos" (in Argentina, "vos" means “you singular”), is a phrase that combines elements that are central to the preventive system. It can be read, on the one hand, as Don Bosco speaking to each young person, and on the other hand, young people addressing Don Bosco, to whom they feel close even after 200 years. It can also be seen as addressed by Don Bosco to the Salesian Family, and through them to young people.

Both initiatives were intended to spread the dream and the work of the saint of youth and highlight the very real bond between Don Bosco and young people, 200 years after his birth and 140 years since the arrival of the Salesians in Argentinean soil - an event which is also being celebrated in 2015.

Published 02/10/2014

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