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25/9/2014 - France - Day of Thanksgiving for Venerable Augustus Arribat, SDB

(ANS – La Navarre) - The Salesian House in La Navarre (France) was founded by Don Bosco. On Saturday, 20 September, it was the venue for a day of thanksgiving for Fr Augustus Arribat, SDB  (1879-1963), recently proclaimed Venerable. Fr Arribat lived in this house at different periods, for about 32 years, and died there on 19 March 1963. Among those present for the occasion were several relatives of Venerable Arribat, numerous past pupils, members of the Salesian Family and representatives of various authorities.

The Rector of the community, Fr Jacques Pellerin, welcomed the participants.  Fr Pierluigi Cameroni, Procurator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, then outlined what was still to be done to further the cause of beatification. He gave some suggestions and called for initiatives to promote the cause. The Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Bishop Dominique Rey of Toulon. At the beginning of the Mass, the Decree of Venerable promulgated on 8 July 2014, was read.

In his homily the Bishop highlighted the roots of the holiness of Fr Arribat - his deep conviction of faith, his humble and generous charity, and the integrity of his life. At the end of Mass, Fr Morand Wirth, Vice-Postulator of the cause, read a message from the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime. In it he spoke of Fr Arribat as a mystic of the Spirit, a prophet of fraternity and a servant of the young.

The celebration was broadcast by Radio-Maria (France) and relayed by Canção Nova Community, a group of the Salesian Family with a centre in Toulon. They are also making a DVD on the life and message of Fr Arribat.

After the Mass, all those present went to the chapel which houses the tombs of the Salesians, including that of Fr Arribat, to pray and invoke his intercession. The day ended in a festive atmosphere of Salesian joy.

Published 25/09/2014

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