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23/9/2014 - Poland - Visit of the Rector Major to Warsaw
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(ANS - Warsaw) - Last weekend the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, continued his visit to Poland. The third stage of his journey was a visit on 18 and 19 September to the St. Stanislaus Kostka Province in Warsaw (PLE).

The first important event was a Solemn Mass in the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Warsaw on the afternoon of Thursday 18th, the feast day of the patron saint of the province. Fr Andrzej Wujek presided and the homily was given by the Rector Major. Among those taking part were the Rectors and Parish Priests of the various Salesian communities who had just finished a meeting, and a group of Salesians who were celebrating the 25th anniversary of their religious profession. 

After the Eucharist, the Rector Major met his confreres and members of the Salesian Family for a friendly dialogue. In this way he got to know something of the situation of the province, which covers two countries, Poland and Belarus. In the evening we met with the Provincial Council, heard their views and offered some encouragement.

Fr Angel spent the next day, Friday19th, in Łódź, where he met the students, faculty and staff of Salesian schools, as well as some Salesian confreres and members of the Salesian Family who had come for the occasion.  The Rector Major prayed with all the participants, attended the oath-taking ceremony of the first class, was present in the audience for a show and a performance of the orchestra of the Salesian Music School at Lutomiersk.

In the afternoon the Rector Major metArchbishop Marek Jędraszewski, Metropolitan of Łódź, who expressed his esteem and gratitude for the work of the Salesians in his diocese.  Later he visited the Salesian Mission Centre of Warsaw where he spoke with special attention to the volunteers, inviting them to dedicate their lives to others in every corner of the world.

Fr Fernandez Artime then went to Warsaw airport to fly to Szczecin in the Province in Pila, for the last leg of his journey on Polish soil.

Published 23/09/2014

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