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19/9/2014 - Ukraine - A call from the war zone
Photo for the article -UKRAINE – A CALL FROM THE WAR ZONE

(ANS – Lviv) – On 3 September a young Ukrainian Salesian priest Fr Grigorij left as a chaplain for the east of Ukraine to be with the young soldiers and offer spiritual comfort in the war which has already lasted six months. It was the free choice of the young priest who until now had been in Lviv – 1200 km away  from his present destination.

It is worth recalling that the present situation in Ukraine is anything but settled: Ukrainian territory in the east is occupied by foreign troops and separatist groups. Everywhere there is destruction and many people who remained have spent months in hiding.

The tragedy touches the whole of Ukraine: there have been many civilians killed in the areas of  Donetsk and Lugansk, and others among the soldiers and the many young people who have come from all parts of the country looking for a better life, more independence and self-respect. In addition, among the population there is an atmosphere of great despair and weariness on account of the  situation, the economic crisis...

Now Fr Grigorij is near the front line of the fighting. Only intermittently he phones his family and confreres, given that the use of mobile phones is forbidden. On the phone he never says where he actually is because the calls are intercepted. His main task is to keep up the soldiers’ spirits through prayer, confession, personal chats. He says he is asked many questions about faith and has had several conversions: “it is only the faith that keeps us going, and there is no shortage of that here!”

Sadly part of Fr Grigorij’s mission is to conduct funerals, of which there are many.  He says that he has been greatly affected by the funerals of Ukrainian soldiers held on a truck burned out by a Russian missile: “There is a real war going on here.”

In spite of all the dramatic events,  the Salesian is keeping well and enthusiastic about his mission freely given for those in need. In addition to his priestly ministry  Fr Grigorij distributes among the soldiers the food and clothing that the Salesians in Lviv are sending him by safe routes. In response to the question “Do you have a weapon?” he replies with a smile: “Yes, the crucifix.”

Published 19/09/2014

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