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8/9/2014 - Mexico - New Courses in Engineering at Don Bosco INTEC

(ANS - Saltillo)- On the afternoon of 1 September, the Don Bosco Technical Institute (INTEC) at Saltillo began its first two courses in Engineering. The ceremony was attended by various representatives of state and local government and the world of business and industry.

During the inauguration ceremony, Fr Antonio Martínez, Director of the work, reiterated the commitment of the Salesians and of INTEC to young people and society, to continue to open up opportunities for development such as that represented by the opening of classes in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.

The ceremony was also attended by students, teachers, staff, benefactors and various FMA sisters from the Saltillo community. Salesian Brother Jesús A. Garcia, a member of the Provincial Council of the Salesians of Mexico-Guadalajara, addressed the authorities and guests.  He brought the  greetings of the Provincial, Fr Hugo Orozco, and recalled the contribution of Don Bosco’s educational system in the field of vocational training. Similarly, Fr Héctor P. Ugarte, SDB, as coordinator of the National Team of Salesian Schools, stressed the great potential of the Salesian schools in the country.

A ribbon was then cut, symbolizing the beginning of this new phase of history of INTEC, a Salesian Institute of Higher Education. It was built just a decade ago, and in that short time has achieved significant development. It now has 1,000 students in the course of Bachelor of Technology, about 200 at the level of Superior Technical University (TSU) and now another 20 in the Engineering courses.

The world of business of the State of Coahuila has already opened its doors to the young people of INTEC, proving that, as evidenced by the leaders of INTEC, Salesian educational policies benefit the students and prospective employers, through the personal development of the students and their theoretical and technical skills.

Saltillo, the capital of the state of Coahuila, is a city with a high rate of industrial growth, especially in the automobile industry, a scenario that demands serious vocational training like that given at INTEC.

Published 08/09/2014

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