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20/8/2014 - Spain - “It is difficult to find a doctor where he is meant to be working”

(ANS – Madrid) – “People are very afraid of Ebola. It is very contagious and there is no way of knowing who is ill with it. It leaves no visible marks”, Salesian missionaries from the affected countries explain. They are working hard to disseminate appropriate preventive measures to avoid more contagion. Sierra Leona, Liberia, Nigeria and Guinea Conakry are places where Salesians are hard at work preventing the spread of Ebola.

The most serious news comes fromLiberia, where the virus is out of control. “The situation is extremely critical. People have treated government advice on prevention measures lightly. And since hospitals have been one of the main focuses for infection, people have panicked and don't want to go to the doctor”, explains Nicola Clarapica, a Salesian. “The Government has closed its offices and schools, our youth centres and summer camps as well, and our mission volunteers were sent back home…”, adds Clarapica. “Today it is difficult to find a doctor at work where is would usually be and the population is terrified”, he continues.

In Sierra Leona, Salesian missionaries explain that children “are once again the ones most affected”. “Many have lost their parents and some who have managed to overcome the disease cannot return home. Families are scared and fear that their children might pass on the disease to other family members and the community.  These youngsters can't be left out on the streets, so we have opened a crisis intervention centre where we are giving attention to sick youngsters and also working with families”, according to Lothar Wagner, Salesian missionary in Freetown.

The Sierra Leone Government has asked the Salesians to take charge of orphaned youngsters. “By the end of the year there could be 200 or more of them and we are working to get ready for all this”, the missionaries explain.

Guinea Conakry was the first country to be affected. Here, Salesian missionaries “are working without fear, but with plenty of prudence and following all the preventive measures: washing hands with chlorine before and after every activity. We also try not to travel and we are helping raise awareness amongst the people so they can know exactly how the disease is caught, its effects and how to prevent it”, explains Emiliano Martínez, Salesian missionary.

Published 20/08/2014

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