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16/8/2014 - RMG - “This Bicentenary will be an opportunity for genuine spiritual and pastoral renewal in our Family”

(ANS – Castelnuovo Don Bosco)– “From the Becchi  hills we declare the year of celebration of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco's birth open”.These were the words with which Fr Ángel Fernández Artime  concluded his opening address for the Bicentenary event on August 18. It was an address reminding the entire Salesian Family that it has been called to remain amongst the young and the poorest of them, and in which he also thanked the men and women who had heroically given their lives to this charismatic project initiated by Don Bosco.

From the outset the Rector Major recalled that the Salesian charism is a gift for the whole Church on behalf of the young and that it “was formed over time, from Mama Margaret's knees, by friendship with good teachers of life and especially by living with the young on a daily basis.”

Fr Fernández Artime also commented: “Today as Don Bosco's Family, as the Salesian religious family, here we are with many civic and Church authorities, friends of Don Bosco and young people on the same hill where he was born, to declare the beginning of a year of celebration for this Bicentenary of his birth. Its point of arrival – after three years of preparation and one of celebration – will be August 16, 2015,  which will mark the 200th anniversary of his presence in the Church and the world for the good of the young.”

With a deep sense of gratitude to the Lord for Don Bosco and the spiritual movement he created, the rector Major recalled all the groups who draw inspiration from the Saint of the young and added: “We believe that this Bicentenary will be an occasion of genuine spiritual and pastoral renewal in our Family, an opportunity to bring the charism to life and make Don Bosco truly as relevant as he always has been for the young. We believe it will be an opportunity to live carry out the mission entrusted to us with renewed conviction and energy, on behalf of young people throughout the world, especially those most in need of us, the poorest and the most vulnerable.”

and he finished by stating that the Bicentenary will be “a time for contributing what in all humility is at the core of our charism: our determination to interpret the social situations, especially those involving the young, which affect us today”. He also explained that faced with young people we must maintain “our faith and complete trust in them, in each young person, in their possibilities and capabilities; our certain belief that they are good of heart, whatever their story, and have the opportunity to become masters of and play a key role in their own destiny, our remaining by their side if they will accept us, to help them develop their talents to the full, fully develop their vocation as Christians and human beings.”.

The complete text of the address is available on

Published 16/08/2014

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