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8/7/2014 - Ecuador - Places of St. John Bosco. A pilgrim’s handbook

(ANS- Quito) - The Bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco in 2014-2015 will be a year of activities and initiatives. Many of these will take place in the places where Don Bosco lived and worked, and for this reason, the Salesian Regional Centre for Ongoing Formationin Quito (CSRFP) decided to publish a Pilgrim’s Handbook for the places of St John Bosco. It is dedicated to Fr Fernando Peraza Leal, a  serious student of St. John Bosco.

In his presentation of the book, FrJorge García Montaño says that this spiritual manual is intended as a tribute of gratitude and appreciation, to the memory of Fr Fernando Peraza Leal, father and founder of CSRFP, the Salesian centre that provides formation for the two Salesian Regions of America. "We focus on knowledge drawn from history, and especially on the love for Don Bosco which Fr Peraza spread throughout this part of the Salesian world over the last forty years."

Fr García Montaño also explains that "the manual is not just a tourist guidebook. It isintended as a tool to be explored and enjoyed, from the standpoint of the spiritual and pedagogical teachings that the places of Don Bosco offer. It is designed to provide the pilgrim with a serious and profound message from each place, to enlighten their minds and thus improve their lives. It is simply arranged and makes it easy for the pilgrim to visit the three main places where Don Bosco lived - Castelnuovo, Chieri and Turin."

The manual is available in Spanish on the site It can be downloaded on smartphones and tablets, then read and used during visits to the places of Don Bosco.

Published 08/07/2014

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