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3/7/2014 - Belgium - Don Bosco International at work for young people in Europe

(ANS – Bruxelles) –  In recent weeks the Salesian NGO Don Bosco International has begun some initiatives to study and to publicise wider the needs of young people and the Salesian vision.

Aware of the wealth of talent available in Salesian centres in Europe and their role in the  promotion of the social inclusion of the young, DBI has begun a series of meetings and discussions to get to know those in charge and the young people in some significant Salesian centres.

Therefore contact has been made with those Salesian centres which are dealing with school drop-out and the issue of the social inclusion of the young. In the first instance, the Executive Secretary, Dr. Mattia Tosato, travelled to the Province of Poland-Piła, followed by a short visit to Vienna on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Group on Fundamantal Rights. Then Dr. Eduard De Jong, a Salesian Cooperator, went to visit one of the centres of education and training in Belgium.

In addition, following up the decision of the DBI General Assembly, proposed by the Economer, Fr André Pennincks, plans will shortly be made for meetings with  the “Valdocco” Associations in France,  the Salesian Social Service Groups in Spain, and the Salesian Federation for Social Services in Italy. In the future it is hoped to be able to bring together the great wealth of Salesian activities in order to facilitate collaboration to improve at national and European level the difficult situation of the young.

In its role of safeguarding young peoples’ rights, the DBI took part on 25 June  in the IX meeting of the Civil Society of the European anti Poverty Group.

The primary objective of the meeting was to share ideas and future prospects for the Europe 2020 strategy aimed at promoting intelligent, sustainable and inclusive growth. In particular the strategy, formed in March 2010, had 5 fields for action:

  • employment;
  • research and delevopment;
  • climate and energy;
  • education;
  • the fight against poverty and social marginalisation.

However half-way on its journey it appears far from reaching its declared objectives. “The restabiisation of the  financial markets has not created work, especially for the vulnerable groups and the long-term unemployed. It cannot be said that there are any signs of an inclusive growth, at the heart of the Europe 2020 strategy”  the Secretary General of Caritas Europe has affirmed.

The commitment of Salesians at all levels is still essential. Reminding Heads of State and of Government of their responsibilities towards the young and children in difficulty remains one of the priorities of the DBI, in the steps of Don Bosco and his experience which in this area too are always relevant.

Published 03/07/2014

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