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3/7/2014 - Spain - Work Preparation Programme for young people by the Hilton Hotel and the Salesian Social Services

(ANS – Madrid) – After four months of intensive training, on 30 June the III edition of the “Hilton Hopes” Project concluded. Promoted by the “Pinardi” Federation of Salesian Social Services  and the ’Hotel Hilton-Madrid Airport, this gives young people attending the Salesian Centre the chance to receive high quality training and a first opportunity of real work experience.

Supported by the United States Embassy and the Vatel International School of Hotel Management and Tourism the Project began three years ago to harness the talents of young people from a difficult social background, opening the doors for them io their first employment and giving them standards and self-confidence. Up to the present the Project has involved the training of 20 young people of whom 75% have found employment thanks above all to the collaboration between “Pinardi” and the Hilton Hotel.

A commitment to the formation in values

Present at the concluding ceremony held in the Hotel Hilton-Madrid Airport on the morning of 30 June were a number of people from the Groups involved, administrative and political authorities and private individuals connected with this sector. The Director of the Hotel, Íñigo Arruti, said that the aim of the Hotel in recent months had been to ensure that the young people “rose to the challange” and “improved their self-esteem.” “The Hilton has developed thanks to these young people and this programme” he added.

Representing “Pinardi”, Luis Alberto Guijarro emphasised “the dreams, the work, and the efforts”  that the young people had brought to their training, and he renewed the appeal for help directed towards those who  needed to be given a chance in their lives.

The Director General of Vatel Spain, Philippe Gandet, said that it was “marvellous” to see the young people who had been trained in this unique opportunity. The Cultural Attache of the American Embassy, Amy Bliss, expressed the satisfaction of the United States at the success achieved by the young people.

Carmen Perez Achuela, Director General of Social Services in Madrid, said that in difficult circumstances “great ideas had emerged such as Hilton Hopes.” The Delegate for the Family and Social Services for the city of Madrid, Dolores Navarro, underlined the training the young participants had received in such values as “solidariety, responsibility and commitment.”

An important step towards future work

The joint project with the Hilton Hotel is part of the strategy of the “Pinardi” Group to produce specialised training programmes in which the businesses concerned play an active role in their development and in this way ensure greater openings for employment, job opportunties for those in training.

At the end of this particular session of the Project, two of those taking part have already received offers of employment and it is hoped that in the next few months there will be further successes similar to those in previous projects. In addition, Vatel will choose one of the young people to study for three years in its School of Hotel Management.

Published 03/07/2014

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