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1/7/2014 - Korea - Bishop Toso prepares the Korean Church to meet the Pope
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(ANS – Seoul) – “I have been greatly struck by the concern and by the love of the Korean Church for the poor and those who are suffering. Above I have been impressed by the priests who fight for the weak and who share their sorrows in various social contexts;  and this shows that you are a good example of what the Pope has said: ‘The priest ought to go to the periphery and be a pastor with the smell of the sheep on him’” This is what Bishop Mario Toso SDB said during a meeting with his fellow Salesians in the Provincial House in Seoul.

Bishop Mario Toso was appointed Secretary of the  Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in 2009, before being ordained Bishop on 12 December that same year. His journey to Korea was  at the invitation of the Korean Bishops’ Conference in order to present the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium in view of the approaching visit of Pope Francis to the country (14-18 August).

Having landed on 21 June, Bishop Toso visited the Archdioces of Gwangju (24), Daegu (25) and Seoul (26), speaking in all three while staying overnight in the fraternal atmosphere  of the local Salesian communities. On 27 June he returned to Rome.

“The Church has the mission to proclaim and to witness to the Gospel. Therefore it has to take on  a prophetic role in relation to the obstacles of social and political injustice... A country cannot prevent the Church saying what it thinks” he said.

“During this visit I have been able to listen to different people in difficulty; they have always said that they have been very impressed by the dedication of the priests and religious,  by their concern and awareness of the suffering. It has been thanks to this that they have begun to believe in God.” This is the proof of a healthy Church in Korea Bishop Toso observed.

The Salesian Bishop also emphasised the  need to draw up a plan to put into practice the Gospel teaching so as to foster justice and peace. “Therefore the members of the Church need to act in a conscious and united way to promote the values of the Kingdom of God in this land.”

“The visit of Pope Francis” – he concluded “is eagerly awaited as the slogan expresses it (Korea, arise, put on the light, let the glory of Lord shine on you), and so make the Church in Korea shine out.”

In particular Bishop Toso asked the Salesian Family to reflect on the joy of the Gospel with the young people  in preparation for the arrival of the Pope.

Published 01/07/2014

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