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17/6/2014 - Spain - Training for the visually disabled; agreement between "Atresmedia" and the Pinardi Federation

(ANS - Madrid) - In May, the Atresmedia Foundation and the Pinardi Federation of Salesian Social services signed an agreement to complete the practical training of the students of Project Pro - the school for people with visual disabilities. Project Pro was established in 2010 by the Atresmedia Foundation, to facilitate the integration into society and the labour market of people with visual disabilities.

The agreement was signed at the headquarters of Atresmedia by  the legal representative of the Pinardi Federation, Fr Luis Alberto Guijarro, and the Director of the Foundation, Carmen Bieger.

The collaboration will begin with a course entitled "Specialist in management of social networks".  Students will be offered an  opportunity to take an internship at the Pinardi Federation, in order to put into practice the training they have received. The commitment is for a maximum of forty hours per week and the course lasts two months.  This may be extended by agreement between the parties.

By virtue of the agreement, the Pinardi Federation will meet the needs of the students of Project Pro, offering the use of their facilities in terms of locations, services and schedules. The Federation, in collaboration with the Foundation, will also select students among those who are interested in doing an internship in Pinardi.

Both agencies will provide mentors who will accompany, support and supervise the activities of the students.

Published 17/06/2014

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