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29/5/2014 - Italy - "Awaken the world." Meeting of Superior Generals
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(ANS - Rome) – The 83rd  Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (USG) is being held these days at the Salesianum in Rome. It opened yesterday, 28 May, and will run until tomorrow. This is the first conference of the USG for Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, the new Rector Major of the Salesians. The two main objectives of the meeting are to continue the discussion started with Pope Francis and to be challenged by his pastoral style; and to reflect together on the contribution that religious can offer on the subject of family at the forthcoming Synod of Bishops.

The work opened yesterday with a reflection on the meeting of the Superior Generals with Pope Francis on 29 November last  at the end of the previous assembly. The theme chosen for the meeting was "Awaken the world. The religious mission of the Church today" – a return to the initial exhortation addressed at that time by the Pope to the religious superiors.

In the first session Father Pedro Aguado, SP, Father Richard Baawobr, MAfr, and Father Jeremias Schroeder, OSB, recalled that meeting with the Pope and said how that meeting has directed their activities.

Yesterday afternoon, the superiors continued their reflections analyzing in particular the canonical visitation in light of the pastoral style of Pope Francis. From the talk given by Fra Marco Tasca, OFM Conv, and the discussions in the assembly, it emerged that what was needed was an approach based more on dialogue, a willingness to listed and to accompany the  confreres, avoiding the attitude of those who want to give preconceived answers.

This morning the Superior Generals  have heard the testimony of a married couple, Mauro Magatti and Clare Giaccardi, both of them professors at the Catholic University of Milan. They spoke from their experience of the richness of family life. The family is an imperfect body that manages to function precisely because of the diversity of its members and the complementarity of the parents.

The activities will continue in the Assembly this afternoon, with group discussions on the same theme. Tomorrow morning they will conclude in the plenary assembly with a synthesis of the work of the three days.

Published 29/05/2014

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