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27/5/2014 - Spain - Fatima Banez, Minister for Employment and Social Security, visits the Salesian Institute of Zaragoza
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(ANS - Zaragoza)- On Thursday 22 May, Ms Fatima Banez, Minister for Employment and Social Security, visited the Salesian InstituteNuestra Señora del Pilar in Zaragoza. The Minister stressed the importance of vocational training for youth employment and asked the Salesians to continue to set the benchmark for quality training throughout Spain.

Together with Minister Banez, the Salesian School welcomed Luisa Fernanda Rudi, President of the Government of the Autonomous Community of Aragon; Veronica Lope, the Popular Party candidate for the European elections; Maria Dolores Serrat, Councillor for Education, Culture and Universities; and Modesto Lobón, Director of Agriculture, Livestock and the Environment.

Upon arrival, the guests were welcomed by the Rector of the Salesian House, Fr José Domingo Anzano,  and by the Educational Director of the Centre, Eduardo Marco, together with the directors of all the training sections. After signing the guest book,  the visitors went on a tour of the professional training workshops, with particular interest in mechanics, robotics and telecommunications.  They were also interested in the work the students were doing and shared their impressions with the teachers and employees of the educational centre. Minister Banez took a great interest in the young people. She enquired about their concerns and their projects, paying great attention to the Dual Vocational Training programmes, an initiative the centre is preparing for next year.

At the end of the visit, the various guests agreed on the importance of vocational training as the key to youth employment. Minister Banez particularly thanked the Salesians, the teachers and the school in general for the work they do, especially in professional training. This is a source of opportunity and employment for young people from all over Spain and Aragon.

Published 27/05/2014

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