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26/5/2014 - RMG - Course for Provincial Economers
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(ANS - Rome)- The training course for new Provincial Economers ended on 23 May after almost a week’s work. The course, which opened on Sunday 18 May at the Generalate, was attended by fifteen Salesians from different parts of the Salesian world.

The cultural richness brought by each confrere and the sharing of experience was the most important gift the participants received from the meeting.

Bro. Jean Paul Muller, SDB, Economer General, organized and led the training programme.  He was assisted by Fr Piotr Gozdalski and Fr Tullio Orler, the confreres who work with him in the central administration of the Congregation.  The participants were introduced to the practices and the method of accounting and the organization of the office of Bursar.

According to one of the participants, "We were able to spend some time and see the professionalism and dedication of the people who work in the central administration of the Congregation and the way they relate. This enabled us to see in practice that the Provincial Bursar’s job is not just about administration and relations with public authorities. It is primarily a professional pastoral service to young people who are the first recipients of our Salesian charism."

Some of the General Councilors also participated, and spoke at the meeting. The Vicar, Fr Francis Cereda, spoke on Religious Discipline. Fr Filiberto Gonzalez spoke on the importance of Social Communication. Fr Javier Valiente,Spain’s National Delegate for Communication, addressed the same topic.

The course was enriched by a study trip to the excavations at St. John Lateran, and a pilgrimage to the Catacombs of San Callistus where the group celebrated Mass at the tomb of the first Christian martyrs.

The meeting with the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernardez Artime, on the Wednesday allowed many of those present to have their first meeting with the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco and to be inspired by his enthusiasm.

The participants remarked, "We return to our communities to serve young people with greater enthusiasm, competence and dedication.”

Published 26/05/2014


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