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20/5/2014 - China - Don Bosco Drama Competition
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(ANS – Hong Kong– For the celebration of the Bicentenary of Don Bosco’s birth, the Salesian Youth Ministry Office organized a Don Bosco Drama Competition which took place on 26 April 2014 at Salesian Yip Hon Millennium Primary School. This was a chance for the students to imitate the virtues of Don Bosco and for schools to promote the Preventive System.

The competition was divided into primary and secondary categories. With the support of the school authorities, 5 primary schools and 4 secondary schools took part in the competition. All the drama performances were outstanding, showing Don Bosco’s Preventive System vividly on the stage. Apart from the participating teams, teachers, parents and students, representatives of the Salesian Family, Fr. Lanfranco Fedrigotti, Provincial of China Province, a good number of Salesians, Sisters and school principals also attended the performance.

Ms. Josephine To, Mr. Wong Ka Wai, Mrs. Winnie Yuen and Mr. Francis Chan, four  seasoned drama performers, and Fr. Martin Yip, Delegate of Youth Ministry were the adjudicators. The Champion of the primary category was the English drama “Black Sheep? Nah!” of Tak Nga Primary School which also won the Best Screenplay Award. The story was about a young person who became a good Christian through his mother’s spiritual direction. He loved and cared for his friends, manifesting how Don Bosco’s Preventive System was carried out. The Runner-up was “Listen to me” by Salesian Yip Hon Primary School, which was about an angel trainee who understood the spirit of Don Bosco’s Preventive System through the different experiences of several children.

The musical drama “The clothes can’t be too thin” of Hong Kong Tang King Po College won the Championship and the Best Screenplay award. This drama described a teacher who did not know how to interact with students at the beginning of the school year. After reading and being inspired by the life story of Don Bosco, he used the Preventive Method in the school environment and got an unexpected outcome. The Runner-up was “Change” by Tak Nga Secondary School which was about how a teacher and a new student changed the school. Their act touched the hearts of other students and transformed the rigid school environment into a loving school campus.

Fr. Fedrigotti said that he was very happy to attend this activity and enjoyed the wonderful performance of the students. All the dramas highlighted the basic elements of Don Bosco’s Preventive System: Reason, Religion and Kindness. Finally, Fr. Fedrigotti encouraged all the students to live their future with the gospel of Jesus and the educative method of Don Bosco.

Published 20/05/2014

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