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16/5/2014 - Vatican - New Evangelization of Society

(ANS – Vatican City)- A short essay by Bishop Mario Toso, SDB, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace was published recently by Libreria Editrice Vaticana. It is entitled: New evangelization of society. Benedict XVI and Francis.

In this brief essay Bishop Toso revisits the theme of the new evangelization of society in the light of the Magisterium of Benedict XVI and the present Holy Father.

The Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis urges the Church to enter more and more into a new stage of evangelization emphasizing the social dimension of the faith. The Church is centred in Christ and "goes out from itself."  It does not contemplate Christ and follow him in himself but as the One who came down from the Father to take all things to himself and renew all things in a "new creation."

Bishop Toso has already previously published other articles on the New Evangelization, such as one in 2012 entitledNew evangelization of society. In the era of postmodernism and globalization. In it he examined Evangelization in the light of Benedict XVI’s social encyclical Caritas in Veritate.

Published 16/05/2014

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