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12/5/2014 - Ecuador - Meeting of Salesian Journalism Clubs
Photograph available in Image Bank

(ANS - Cuenca) - From 23 to 25 April, thirty six young people from seven Journalism Clubs in Salesian centres of Ecuador participated in a national meeting held at the Youth House of Yugmacay in Cuenca.

The meeting opened with a broad overview of the training given in design and layout, editing and proofreading, pre-printing, printing and typography at the Salesian Graphic Centre.  During the meeting, the young people learned about the production of books, magazines, catalogues and other promotional materials made in the Graphic Centre, and became familiar with the characteristics of the various printed products and techniques that improve the print quality.

Then the participants went on to look in depth at the basic principles of photography and journalistic writing. Important elements of the course were an outing to tourist areas of Cuenca, and then during dinner, a photo-reportage with materials collected by the young people.

On Thursday 24 April, they worked on the basics of news and journalism with a detailed explanation of photojournalism. They visited some significant locations in Yugmacay, including an old chapel and a small lake.

Finally, on 25 April, the photo-reportage previously processed was presented to the group with great creativity and originality.  In the afternoon, activities came to an end with the graduation ceremony.

The participants came from journalism clubs in the Salesian Houses in Guayaquil, Quito, Cuenca, Riobamba, Cayambe, Ibarra and Macas.

Published 12/05/2014

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