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12/5/2014 - Vatican City - Pope Francis: "I ​​love the school"

(ANS - Vatican City) - On the afternoon of Saturday 10 May, Pope Francis met representatives of Italian schools in St Peter’s Square. Speaking to 300,000 people, the Pope stressed the great value of education and on several occasions exclaimed forcefully:"I love the school."

The meeting was organized by the Italian Episcopal Conference as part of an event entitled Church and School. It was attended by teachers, parents, educators, students and practitioners in the Italian educational system - public schools, recognized schools and vocational training centres. There was significant participation also from the Salesians in Italy. Teachers, students and educators from all six provinces came to Rome. 

On arrival at the Basilica, the Pope greeted the participants in the square. At the beginning there were contributions from students, teachers and principals who spoke about various aspects of the multifaceted reality of the Italian school. There were stories of cooperation and stories of diversity, and stories about a passion for education and study.

Next to speak were Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, president of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, and Stefania Giannini, Minister for Education, University and Research.They both stressed the importance of educating young people for the welfare of the whole society and the contribution offered by quality Christian schools in the area of education.

The Pope arrived at the end of a long afternoon and his intervention aroused great enthusiasm. He raised a  number of ideas: he first stated  that people do not grow alone, but always need to look to others in order to grow.  He then reported some episodes of his childhood education that left a profound mark on him.

Pope Francis also referred to various aspects of school that make it indispensable for society: the school is a place of opening to all dimensions of reality, where "we learn to learn"; the school is a meeting place for young people, teachers, families ... from a diversity of backgrounds and with different ways of thinking; the school is the place where young people grow and develop "a sense of the true, a sense of the good and the sense of beauty," where they learn to relate harmoniously; and, finally, the school is the place where young people acquire good habits and positive values.

The Pope concluded: "I wish you all a beautiful time in school. Learn to speak three languages. ​​A mature person should be able to speak the language of the mind, the language of the heart and the language of hands."

Published 12/05/2014

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