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17/4/2014 - Italy - Making heard the voice of needy youth

(ANS - Rome) - The historic Salesian presence of “Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco" in Rome, dedicated for 65 years to the support of boys most in need, has adopted, on 15th April, a motion organized by leading Roman organizations that are active in the care for the disabled and the minors. The aim of the initiative was to sensitize the government on the role of foster homes in society.

In fact, the foster homes and shelters in Rome are currently among those who suffer most from the economic crisis. The Municipality of Rome supports foster homes with a daily subsidy for each child received. However, this subsidy, lower than the funding provided in other major Italian cities, is often inadequate to meet the needs of growing children.

The Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco intends to maintain a high level of quality in its educational service and has therefore requested that in the Legislative Decree called "Salva Roma" a serious consideration be given an increase in subsidies. And even Caritas Rome expressed the hope that "it knows how to find the just solution for families and for people who work in the field of assitance (...) through the provision of adequate fees for the services offered."

For this reason, last Tuesday, some staff and volunteers of the foster home of Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco, along with the promoters of the initiative, went to the Trevi Fountain to make a symbolic gesture: throw the key of the foster home into the fountain, with the hope to see the realization of a model city that always takes more care for the most vulnerable.

In relation to this initiative, the mayor of Rome, Ignazio Marino, said: "The Roman foster homes represent one of the most important social realities of our city. (...) The care and attention given to the resisdents is an example for all of us and a goal to emulate. Therefore, I take with great attention, the appeal addressed to me today by the many associations and make my own the concerns about their future."

Published 04/17/2014

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