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31/3/2014 - Italy - “Up and Down the Bridges of Venice." More than 11,000 walking for Syria

(ANS - Venice)- Yesterday, Sunday 30 March, more than 11,000 people took part in the 36th walk that they call "Up and Down the Bridges." They walked the streets and parks of Venice in support of the Salesian mission in Aleppo, Syria which will benefit from this year’s humanitarian project.

"Up and Down " is a day of fun and solidarity that takes place in Venice every year. The participants walk around the city, often going to places away from the traditional tourist routes.  Every year young people and old, families, schools, sports teams, and recently also folk groups and bands, create a lively spectacle in St. Mark's Square and other public spaces.

The 36th walk was organized with different routes for people of different age groups. There were two different departure points  - from San Mark’s Square and from the Santa Lucia railway station. Medals were awarded to all participants, plaques for groups that included several participants, and special mentions and awards for schools and folk groups.

In keeping with the spirit that animates the initiative, as intended by its first promoter, Fr Dino Berti SDB (1923-2000), any profit is donated to a particular charity.  This year the humanitarian project that will benefit is the Salesian work in Aleppo, Syria.

From the outset the event has been organized and coordinated by the TGS Eurogroup, a social action group that is part of the Salesian Youth Movement in the Salesian Province  of San Marco in North Eastern Italy.

"Up and Down " undergoes small but significant changes from year to year and they are already planning the 37th walk scheduled for Sunday, 19 April 2015 .

Published 31/03/2014


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