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24/3/2014 - Italy - GC27: Chapter members visit the UPS. The Chancellor‘s Goodnight
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(ANS - Rome) – Saturday 22 March was a special day for the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) when it welcomed the members of the 27th   General Chapter, accompanied by the Rector Major, Fr Pascual Chávez, in one of his last commitments  as Superior General of the Salesians and Chancellor of the UPS.

The programme  began with words of welcome by the Superior of the Vice-Province, Fr Joaquim D'Souza, and by the Rector, Rev. Professor Carlo Nanni, both of whom are members of the Chapter. The UPS is familiar to many other participants in the GC27 - about 45% of them spent some of their formation years there.

Fr D'Souza gave a PowerPoint presentation introducing the eight  communities of the Vice-Province and theprincipal aspects of the life of the provincialcommunity. FrNanni described the academic activity of the UPS, with the help of the video ”UPS… per formare”produced byMissioni Don Bosco in Turinand directed by Rev. Professor Renato Butera.

A brief exchange of questions and answers was followed by a visit to the Don Bosco Library with its modern facilities. There was also time for the Chapter members to meet the students or teachers from their province. 

The visit included Evening Prayer at the end of which Fr Chavez gave what will go down in history as the last Goodnight from the Grand Chancellor. He expressed his joy at returning to the UPS and the gratitude of the Chapter members for the commitment shown since its inception by the University for the benefit of the whole Salesian Congregation. He referred to the work done in the historical-critical study of Don Bosco and for the formation of its students, evidenced by the presence of so many former students at the chapter (more than 90 according to Fr Chavez) .

The Rector Major reaffirmed the commitment of the Congregation to continue to support the UPS by sending students and teachers to ensure the quality of formation. "The UPS is the University of the congregation,” he said, “and it is wanted, supported and appreciated."  He invited the academic community to believe more in their mission as expressed in the name Salesian Pontifical University. He concluded: "As Chancellor, I did my best. I apologize if it was not always enough to respond to the expectations and needs of the UPS. I wish my successor and all of you a new phase in the history of the congregation and of our university."

The academic community expressed their thanks to the Chancellor with the gift of a chalice and the music of Mariachi, music loved by Fr Chávez.
The evening enjoyed with a festive meal for all.

Published 24/03/2014

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