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26/2/2014 - Peru - Children of Lead
Photo for the article -PERU – CHILDREN OF LEAD
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(ANS - Callao) - On the outskirts of the city of Callao there is a special educational project called Niños de Plomo (Children of Lead). Backed by the Don Bosco in the World Foundation, the project allows about eighty children and adolescents who are suffering from lead poisoning to receive tutoring and help in reading, communication, logic, mathematics and in educational psychology workshops.

The young people complete their studies in the computer room with online programmes and games to develop reasoning powers and literacy. They also participate in music and dance workshops that enable them to improve their physical, mental and emotional development.

This integral approach to their training is vital, since they are living daily in risk situations. They are all from the slums of Puerto Nuovo, in the district of Callao, where the population is contaminated by lead due to the environmental damage generated by the storage and transport of ore to the port.

The Children of Lead project is run by the Salesians of the local Casa de los Jóvenes directed by Fr Marino De Pra. Most of the children in the project have lead levels in the blood between 10 and 19.9 micrograms per decilitre, a measure considered highly dangerous by health authorities.

The Don Bosco in the World Foundation provides great support for the oratory activities and ensures that the children and young people improve their standard of education and are able to take their place in society as good Christians and honest citizens.

Published 26/02/2014

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