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24/1/2014 - RMG - Making Facebook Salesian 2014: Video message from the Rector Major

(ANS – Rome) –The Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Pascual Chávez, has issued a video message associating himself with the initiative Making Facebook Salesian 2014.  This initiative has as its basic idea to ask people to put a picture or photo of Don Bosco in their profile, so that, as one of its creators explains, it becomes a new “playground” where we meet young people.

Making Facebook Salesianis an initiative launched in 2011 by Fr CristianoCiferri of the Southern Italian Province, together with Marco Antonio Pita, then a pre-novice of the Bogotà Province of Colombia, and Andrea Papa. Since then, the initiative has been carried on by the Colombian Salesian Marco Antonio Pita, now in practical training, and other young Salesians and volunteers.

Marco Antonio Pita says: "It becomes a space in which many people share photos of their groups, the flags of their countries, their thoughts and reflections ... It's a meeting place, I would say that it becomes a new playground where young people meet. It is, in fact, very attractive because they write in their own language, and this attracts many others, and encourages them to continue offering animation and motivation. This year we have the information translated into eight languages ​​with the help of confreres from different countries."

Making Facebook Salesian2012 was answered in more than sixty countries with approximately 10,000 participants and 27,000 invited guests. At the time of last year’s Feast of Don Bosco, Making Facebook Salesian 2013 had 44,665 guests and 8,104 confirmed their participation. By 10.00 a.m. today there are 15,660 guests in only three days and already there are 2,363 participants.

In his invitation to participate, the Rector Major said: "We must try to enrich our world with all those values ​​that can make it more humane, more inclusive and more open to dialogue. Don Bosco would have done so! I invite you to become a member of the digital world Making Facebook Salesian.”

To join the initiative, go to the followinglink. The Rector Major’s video message can be seen on ANSChannel.

Published  24/01/2014

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