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24/1/2014 - RMG - Towards the Chapter: the Salesians in Africa-Madagascar

(ANS – Rome) – Continuing our analysis of the situation of the Salesians in view of the 27th General Chapter, we present the situation of the Africa-Madagascar Region in an interview with Fr Manolo Jiménez, provincial of Equatorial Tropical Africa (ATE).

What is the state of the Congregation in your region regarding the needs of young people, society and the Church?
Most of the Salesian Provinces, Vice-Provinces and Delegations and the Salesian houses in Africa and Madagascar are relatively new, compared to the other regions of the Congregation. We are in the foundational stage or the early stages of consolidation of our presence and our missionary service. This motivates us to strive above all to ensure fidelity to our charismatic identity, to offer young people, society and the Church in Africa what is most precious in our Salesian heritage.

By the grace of God, we live at a time when there is a growth in vocations. For us this is both a blessing and a commitment: a blessing because it allows us to respond as missionaries to the needs, and a commitment to a formation that ensures the fidelity of the new generations to the values ​​of our Salesian spirit.

The Church and society view us with sympathy and gratitude. Fr Viganò said long ago that Africa was made for the Salesian charism and that the Salesian charism is well suited to the African context. The ongoing task of Salesians in the region is to make the face of Don Bosco ever more African, and to make out missionary work ever more Salesian.

What is the specific contribution of this region to GC27?
Vocational enthusiasm is the characteristic that marks the way we live the message of GC27. The letter of the Rector Major convening GC27 begins with a reminder of the centrality of vocation as the unifying element of the three dimensions of the profile of the new Salesian - mystic, prophet and servant. Another characteristic is the youthfulness of the congregation in our region. This refers both to the low average age of the members and to our relatively recent arrival in the region. This allows us to live our Salesian vocation with depth, consistency and courage, and to experiment with new forms of Salesian community and apostolic life.

Our response to the Lord is to live with enthusiasm - in the etymological sense of the term: grafted into God!  This will be a tremendous contribution of the region to GC27, one that is particularly significant for our Congregation.

How can the Salesians of the region be witnesses to Gospel radicalism?
Among the tasks that the African continent asks of the Congregation, I would stress that of fraternity lived in a context of ethnic, cultural, and religious plurality. Our commitment to the Lord and his Gospel leads us to live fully the demands of our religious profession, and - in our context - the commitment to "live in the Salesian Society in communion of spirit and action with our brothers." The witness of fraternity and friendship among Salesians, as proposed in Article 51 of our Constitutions, is a message and a formidable challenge for young people, society and the Church in Africa today.

Published 24/01/2014

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