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20/12/2013 - Philippines - Returning to normal with the cooperation of all

(ANS - Cebu) - Although the international media have already shifted their attention elsewhere, there is still much work to be done away from the spotlight in the Philippines devastated by Typhoon Haiyan. Under the coordination of the Don Bosco Network, in collaboration with the diocese and other humanitarian agencies, the Salesians and their lay collaborators are continuing to offer help to people in need.

Fr Eugene Maglasang, SDB, from Cebu reports: "At the moment we are helping Bishop Crispin Barrete Varquez of Borongan in Eastern Samar with the smooth delivery of humanitarian rations - a truck of 20 tons of cargo is on its way from the Salesian Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Cebu to the distribution centre in Borongan. We continue with our formula of 1 litre of water, 2kg of rice, 3 rations of noodles and 4 cans of food which can feed a family of 5 members for two days. The policy of the diocese is to centralize the distribution in the seminary, in order to ensure that it is given to those who actually need it.

Meanwhile, the Salesian community near the bishop's residence has concentrated on providing temporary shelters in the three barangays (districts) most affected in the city of Hernani and is preparing an offer to the diocese of a large vessel to allow relief supplies to be brought to distant islands four hours away.

It should be noted that since the beginning of the relief operations the Salesians have developed great collaboration with the Filipino Family Fund, an organization dedicated to educational and charitable activities in the Philippines. The people in charge of the foundation, for example, have reported other possible areas of intervention in Butig Island where 95 % of homes have been destroyed. Several families are already working hard to rebuild their homes or start business activity and get back to normal.

Published 20/12/2013

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