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9/12/2013 - Italy - New Committee, SCS/CNOS Don Bosco in the South

(ANS - Bari)– On Saturday 30 November, a new committee was established at the Salesian Institute of the Redeemer in Bari. It is the Interregional Committee of the Federation of Civil and Social Services (SCS) of southern Italy, with the name SCS/CNOS Don Bosco in the South. This is the third committee of this type to be set up in Italy, following those in Piedmont-Valle d’Aosta and Sicily.

The Interregional Committee includes 21 associations, co-operatives and other Salesian bodies that work for children, young people and immigrants, often in disadvantaged areas of Southern Italy. The registered office of the Committee is at the Salesian Provincial House in Naples, with branch offices in Bari, Corigliano Calabro and Potenza.

Fr Giovanni d'Andrea, National President of the Salesian Federation SCS / CNOS welcomed the establishment of the Committee, which will ensure a greater presence of the Salesians in the South of Italy, working especially for children and young people most in need.

Andrea Sebastiani, Director of Salesians engaged in Social Work, stressed the importance of this new committee, pointing out that this civil committee can deal better with public and private entities that operate in the social sphere. It will develop and coordinate projects more easily together with the Salesian associations and make them more in line with the plan for the government and animation of the province.

Fr Antonio Carbone, newly elected Chairman of the Committee, said: "This Committee will make the face of Don Bosco more real for many young people and children who are marginalized. We want to give a coordinated and effective response to the South and to the young people of this land. We are committed to serve by joining the network: one drop along with all the others can become an ocean of good."

The first action of the Committee will be to ensure the formation of socio-educational residential facilities for children. These will be run according to the principles of the Preventive System of Don Bosco.

Published 09/12/2013

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